WOW...On Tuesday morning I taught my bible study class a lesson on
1 Peter 3:1-6. I was a little nervous about it because some of the women had told me previously that they had "issues" with the Lord's admonition to submit to our husbands. Fortunately, I have been studying this topic for several months. I was pretty confident about what The Word says about wives and pretty confident about embracing what I learned, but I wasn't too sure about my ability to meet the but's and what if's with clarity, surety and assurance. I was determined not to argue about The Word. With wise counsel I decided it wise to stick to what the bible says, and come ready with scripture to back up anything that I would say. I imagined the possible scenarios and questions as I studied and prepared for the class.
Today is Wednesday and all I can say is WOW!!! The Lord moved in a wonderful way. He provided the words, the scriptures, and the tact to pull it off. The group was excited and motivated. But more importantly, I have grown by bounds and come so much closer to the Lord and my own husband. It is dynamic how the Lord moves in our lives. He is an Awesome God!!!
Check out this book... my girlfriend brought it to me many, many months ago. When I started reading I had a transformation and a renewing of my mind. When I let God change me I was eager to really hear and do His will. And for this...I am being blessed.

It can be purchased here:
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