It can be
so much easier
to retell the story --
I always tell my kids
If the story that you tell
is the one
that really is!
If you have kids, you know the look, the one that hangs on the words of deception; eyebrows raised as if to force the point. The look that children equate with truth-telling, though it certainly belies falsehoods. Their mouths uttering one thing and their faces saying "really!" More a question than a statement..."really -- don't you believe me?" And then, due to the lack of response from the already schooled-on-it parent they continue to talk, digging a hole deep enough to bury the entire house.
And when they become teens, there is the belligerent and loud, sometimes whiney, "You never believe me!"
Today's Poetic Asides prompt is: write a poem that deals with telling the truth--or even with telling a lie, hope you liked my spin on it :o)
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Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009

I woke up early this morning because there was a spider walking on my face!!! How do you go back to sleep after that? I cooked my husband breakfast and got on the computer to pay some bills and check an alchemy I bid on. When I finally got to my email imagine my surprise to find a message on ByHand telling me one of my items is featured today!!!! I am so excited I can hardly stand it. Though I still don't think I could go back to bed if I wanted to anyway... So I guess I'll browse around a bit and see what everyone is up to... Thanks ByHand! What a wonderful surprise :)
You can see it here:
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Don't you need a hero?
I took the kids to the local movie theater yesterday. They are hosting a family film festival for the month of July into August. Free movies for the kids, one G and one PG rated film, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings.
Yesterday's movie was "Everyone's Hero" - (Animation) G. I haven't seen such a wonderful movie for kids in a long time.
Yankee is a little boy in New York City when Babe Ruth was at the pinnacle of his career. The unscrupulous manager of the Chicago Cubs devises a scheme to stop Babe Ruth and the Yankees from winning the World Series. Yankee's dad works as a janitor at Wrigley Stadium. One night, while visiting his dad at work, Yankee witnesses one of the Cub's players steal Babe Ruth's lucky bat, Darlin'. Yankee and his dad are blamed for the disappearance of the bat and his dad is fired. The rest of the film is Yankee's adventures trying to retrieve the bat and return it to Babe Ruth.
Ten year old Yankee has problems on the sandlot because he's not a good baseball player, but he makes friends with a ornery baseball he names Screwy who talks, but only to Yankee. Yankee finds encouragement from his dad, Screwy, Darlin' and Babe Ruth, giving him the courage to keep on going, to do what's right and to never give up!
When we are so inundated with all that is unholy, vile, and blasphemous, it really was encouraging to see such positive messages in a family film. I laughed, the kids laughed, my little ones were intrigued, I teared up a little bit (don't tell), and we all left the theater feeling good, uplifted, and maybe a little empowered!

Yankee is a little boy in New York City when Babe Ruth was at the pinnacle of his career. The unscrupulous manager of the Chicago Cubs devises a scheme to stop Babe Ruth and the Yankees from winning the World Series. Yankee's dad works as a janitor at Wrigley Stadium. One night, while visiting his dad at work, Yankee witnesses one of the Cub's players steal Babe Ruth's lucky bat, Darlin'. Yankee and his dad are blamed for the disappearance of the bat and his dad is fired. The rest of the film is Yankee's adventures trying to retrieve the bat and return it to Babe Ruth.
Ten year old Yankee has problems on the sandlot because he's not a good baseball player, but he makes friends with a ornery baseball he names Screwy who talks, but only to Yankee. Yankee finds encouragement from his dad, Screwy, Darlin' and Babe Ruth, giving him the courage to keep on going, to do what's right and to never give up!
When we are so inundated with all that is unholy, vile, and blasphemous, it really was encouraging to see such positive messages in a family film. I laughed, the kids laughed, my little ones were intrigued, I teared up a little bit (don't tell), and we all left the theater feeling good, uplifted, and maybe a little empowered!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Am I?

Am I who I am? Am I acting like the person I claim to be? A few weeks ago the Pastor gave a thought provoking message about being true. I reflected on the way home and then asked my husband, "Am I who I am?" He looked at me and smiled, maybe because hearing it was funny, or maybe he was thinking of a funny response, or maybe just because I am funny. Who knows? But he said, "Yes, I think so."
So ever since I have been considering who I am. Of course I am mommy, and I am wife, sister, daughter and friend. But I claim to be one of the King's kids, a child of the Most High, daughter of dear Adonai. In that...what does royalty act like? What does royalty wear? How does royalty speak? I decided, or God revealed, I'm not always clear about know, flesh... But I came to the understanding that I need to act like I possess the salvation that was purchased for me and to don righteousness and then to keep two things, and only two things in my mouth: praise and His message.
"I can do that," I thought to myself, and then the faucet in the shower wouldn't shut off, and the stove malfunctioned, and the kids wouldn't listen to me, and my truck is making some weird new sound, and my stomach started to hurt, and I got a headache, and...God is great, He is magnificent, He is worthy to be praised. Hallelujah! He is my glory, He is my redeemer. He is wonderful. His power abounds and sin is His enemy. He is the ruler of all things, the holder of all things holy, and the giver of new life! He loves me so much that He sent His Son to die so that I might be saved! Glory to Him! Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus, Thank you Lord! Amen!
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