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Friday, September 10, 2010

The Boy Who Changed the World by Andy Andrews - Book Review

My intention was to read The Boy Who Changed the World by Andy Andrews to my multi-age Children's Church class, but after reading through the book and having a really hard time keeping the characters straight, I decided that using the book for the pictures and re-telling the story in my own words would be better received by my class of 2-12 year olds. I was right. Even my 17-year-old was confused. She read and re read and said to me, "Mom, I just don't get it." I explained the connections as best I could, but I couldn't imagine that younger kids would get what a teenager couldn't grasp. It's not the concept, it's the complicated web of characters who have impacted the world.

The artwork by Philip Hurst is great. The illustrations are beautiful watercolors, deep colors and fanciful butterflies on each page that further illustrate the theory. The kids loved looking for and identifying the butterflies throughout the story.

I received a free copy of The Boy Who Changed the World through Booksneeze in exchange for my honest review.

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