There is a lot to say about this cute, little book. Jesus Lives, by Sarah Young is a wonderfully written devotional that affirms Jesus' love, power and wisdom on a very personal level which affected my prayer and praise life.
When I first received the book I was surprised at it's size. It fits neatly in my purse and glove compartment. That certainly makes it easy to have with me all the time. I opened the cover, read the introduction and started right in on the first devotion. I was delighted to read a message to me, just as if Jesus were sending me a note! I love it. Definitely rooted in the Word, and noting scripture that certainly affirmed to Sarah Young, that this is what Jesus would say to me in this certain season of my life, or my day, this book is wonderful. I love the feeling that I got from the simulated conversations I was having with Jesus. Is this how He would, if He wrote me letters and notes of encouragement? I was encouraged to talk with Him.
Just yesterday, a friend and I were talking about how we always look at things from our perspective and it seems that God just hasn't done a work for us, but we must try to look through His eyes so we can see and appreciate that He is always working in our lives. Jesus Lives gives insight on Jesus' viewpoint. It shows me that He is aware of what I go through. It shows me His undying love for me.
Jesus Lives is not a calendar type devotional. There is a table of contents separated by theme. For example, some of the themes are His love, Peace, Pleasing Him, and Prayer. I found that opening the book and reading the first thing I turned to was just as fulfilling and rewarding as looking for a specific theme. The words are encouraging and uplifting. The words are full of love and compassion. I highly recommend this book in your walk with Christ.
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Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Black Friday
Here we are. Less than 30 days until Christmas and people are losing their minds. At the stores before they have digested dinner. Bundled up and standing in line before they have truly reflected on those things for which we offer thanks. It is a sad circumstance that I see.
As I snuggled up to my husband last night after a wonderful time with friends and family we watched an episode of CSI. But there seemed to be an unusual amount of commercials. No previews of upcoming shows, oh no, just sales. Doors opening at 10, 11, 12, 1, 2, 3! So those that make their living off of the willingness of the rest of us to spend our hard earned money...and it is, very hard earned right go into debt so that we can indulge ourselves.
I guess, for today, we will forget about the past due notices and our mortgages that we have so desperately fought with the banks over, and we will shop. Like fools on vacation. Spending money we don't have on things that we don't need because, of course, they are DISCOUNTED!!! CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP!!! And as the day draws on, we will dress our homes with colored lights and lawn ornaments, we will play Christmas caroles and drink egg nog. We will.
We will celebrate this season as if she were well earned and long awaited. And in January we will reflect on our gluttony, and be filled with remorse...I hope.
As I snuggled up to my husband last night after a wonderful time with friends and family we watched an episode of CSI. But there seemed to be an unusual amount of commercials. No previews of upcoming shows, oh no, just sales. Doors opening at 10, 11, 12, 1, 2, 3! So those that make their living off of the willingness of the rest of us to spend our hard earned money...and it is, very hard earned right go into debt so that we can indulge ourselves.
I guess, for today, we will forget about the past due notices and our mortgages that we have so desperately fought with the banks over, and we will shop. Like fools on vacation. Spending money we don't have on things that we don't need because, of course, they are DISCOUNTED!!! CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP!!! And as the day draws on, we will dress our homes with colored lights and lawn ornaments, we will play Christmas caroles and drink egg nog. We will.
We will celebrate this season as if she were well earned and long awaited. And in January we will reflect on our gluttony, and be filled with remorse...I hope.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Today's Poetic Asides November PAD prompt
I made up in my mind
Who you would be
Those things that you would like
What you would say
To me
Words of wisdom
All the time
I decided for you the attitude
Most fitting
And adjusting to my whims
Tone and diction
Verbage and accent
I thought up the personna
The things about you that would
Best compliment
The outfits that I wore
The ways that I style my hair
The color of my shoes
I did all that
Before I realized
How to accept you
Who you would be
Those things that you would like
What you would say
To me
Words of wisdom
All the time
I decided for you the attitude
Most fitting
And adjusting to my whims
Tone and diction
Verbage and accent
I thought up the personna
The things about you that would
Best compliment
The outfits that I wore
The ways that I style my hair
The color of my shoes
I did all that
Before I realized
How to accept you
There Just Aren't Enough Hours
Seems that the more I do the more time there is to do it. I know that sounds ridiculous. But that affords me the time to procrastinate. Right? Then I run out of time... Now I find myself in the wee hours of every morning trying to do those things that I found that there just weren't enough hours for the day before... maybe, on second thought, I just need medicaiton.
Nonetheless, I have been neglecting my daily and weekly writing prompts...and Lord knows I need those in order to maintain some of my sanity. Catching up on my friend's blog (, I found the 5th Grade 5 Word monologue words inspiring. Forgiveness, though most oftentimes something that is given, sometimes needs to be a gift to self. Here goes:
Brokenness, morally, careening, anarchy, and brazenness
The brazenness I felt that morning could have been the cause of my abruptness. Short and harsh. Blunt and piercing, I winced as the words danced off my lips. There was no turning back. I felt myself careening out of control as I succummed to my attitude fearing that the damage was already done. So why not just go ahead and finish speaking my mind? And when I had said my peace--when I had exhausted the battery of words that I flung forth I noticed the brokenness that was left in my midst. Spouting off in some uncontrolled anarchy I wondered at what I had done. I wondered if the wounds left by my tongue...this vipers tongue... would ever heal. Morally wounded myself, I pained at the damage, kicking about the remnants at my feet. I stooped and slowly gathered up the pieces. And with tears like glue and words of healing and repentance I offered back all that had been the result of my malady.
Nonetheless, I have been neglecting my daily and weekly writing prompts...and Lord knows I need those in order to maintain some of my sanity. Catching up on my friend's blog (, I found the 5th Grade 5 Word monologue words inspiring. Forgiveness, though most oftentimes something that is given, sometimes needs to be a gift to self. Here goes:
Brokenness, morally, careening, anarchy, and brazenness
The brazenness I felt that morning could have been the cause of my abruptness. Short and harsh. Blunt and piercing, I winced as the words danced off my lips. There was no turning back. I felt myself careening out of control as I succummed to my attitude fearing that the damage was already done. So why not just go ahead and finish speaking my mind? And when I had said my peace--when I had exhausted the battery of words that I flung forth I noticed the brokenness that was left in my midst. Spouting off in some uncontrolled anarchy I wondered at what I had done. I wondered if the wounds left by my tongue...this vipers tongue... would ever heal. Morally wounded myself, I pained at the damage, kicking about the remnants at my feet. I stooped and slowly gathered up the pieces. And with tears like glue and words of healing and repentance I offered back all that had been the result of my malady.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Craving Nonchalant Daub Admit Indignant
Using a Triolet . I will attempt this weeks 5 word monologue. Here's the format:
Southern Grits
Indignant, you attempt to walk past
A nonchalant banter across the room
The craving in your heart to make me last
Indignant, you attempt to walk past
You'd admit your loathing by moving fast
Daub of red cheeks signals impending doom
Indignant, you attempt to walk past
A nonchalant banter across the room
Whew! Okay, that form isn't hard, but doing it with the five words is. That was fun...
Using a Triolet . I will attempt this weeks 5 word monologue. Here's the format:
A B a - Rhymes with 1st line. A - Identical to 1st line. a - Rhymes with 1st line. b - Rhymes with 2nd line. A - Identical to 1st line. B - Identical to 2nd line.
Southern Grits
Indignant, you attempt to walk past
A nonchalant banter across the room
The craving in your heart to make me last
Indignant, you attempt to walk past
You'd admit your loathing by moving fast
Daub of red cheeks signals impending doom
Indignant, you attempt to walk past
A nonchalant banter across the room
Whew! Okay, that form isn't hard, but doing it with the five words is. That was fun...
I must tell you that
it is the anomaly of my faith
that leads to the understanding
that leads to grateful acceptance
even though the humanity of me
driving me
and giving me
misguided purpose
leads me to confusion and loss.
I must explain that
it is the heartbeat of the
divine design
that is the covering
by the blood
that gives me hope
and life.
it is the anomaly of my faith
that leads to the understanding
that leads to grateful acceptance
even though the humanity of me
driving me
and giving me
misguided purpose
leads me to confusion and loss.
I must explain that
it is the heartbeat of the
divine design
that is the covering
by the blood
that gives me hope
and life.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Baby Quilt
Oh the grief my sewing machine gave me on this one. In the end I discovered that my machine really doesn't quilt, I need special attachments. However, with agressive dilligence I finished it!
Out of oneself
leaving behind
that something
that identifies
part of
growing together
one mind
one body
one being
grown together
leaving behind
that something
that identifies
part of
growing together
one mind
one body
one being
grown together
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
I answer the children
lifting my voice at the end
a question or an answer
depends on how they take it
more than what I mean
what I mean is
I really don't know
I haven't made up my mind yet
an adult's mind moves slower
or more carefully
or something
I just need a minute to mull it over
and make a wise decision
I don't want to say no
or yes
So, short of not answering at all
I tell them
and hope that maybe will suffice
I answer the children
lifting my voice at the end
a question or an answer
depends on how they take it
more than what I mean
what I mean is
I really don't know
I haven't made up my mind yet
an adult's mind moves slower
or more carefully
or something
I just need a minute to mull it over
and make a wise decision
I don't want to say no
or yes
So, short of not answering at all
I tell them
and hope that maybe will suffice
Take Your Best Shot by Austin Gutwein - Book Review
No sooner had I put Take Your Best Shot down my, "I don't like to read," 16 year old daughter picked it up. The book is an inspiration to step up and do what God has given you the gifts to do and to make a difference, if not for the entire world, for someone's entire world. Take Your Best Shot is an easy read, with the familiar voice of a young person. But youth does not stop Austin Gutwein from sharing wisdom beyond his years. And, sharing is what this book does best. It certainly isn't a book that lectures you into submission, rather it engages the reader in conversation and interaction, deep thoughts and contemplation. There are places in the book to jot down notes, and Austin encourages his reader to mark the book up with thoughts and notes. I wanted to, but a few pages into Take Your Best Shot I knew that I was going to share this book with my two teenagers and I did not want mom's thoughts to interfere with the personal discovery and growth I know this book will inspire. I definately recommend this book to EVERYONE, of every age and every stage of life. If you have never looked at how you can impact the world, see the world through Austin's eyes and discover something wonderful about yourself!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
She watched the car drive away
kicking dust and gravel back
into her eyes and her skin,
her bare arms no match for limestone gravel.
She winced, but couldn't deflect--
just stood in the road
watching the cloud of dust
following the old, green Buick
grow smaller.
The grumbling sounds of the engine finallly
dissipating into the wind
and drown out by the singing of
little brown birds.
(This poem is in response to a promt from )
kicking dust and gravel back
into her eyes and her skin,
her bare arms no match for limestone gravel.
She winced, but couldn't deflect--
just stood in the road
watching the cloud of dust
following the old, green Buick
grow smaller.
The grumbling sounds of the engine finallly
dissipating into the wind
and drown out by the singing of
little brown birds.
(This poem is in response to a promt from )
November Poem A Day (PAD) Challenge
So, though I haven't posted in a while, I have been writing, crocheting, and quilting. And...I just started, be it, two days late, the Poetic Asides November Chap Book Challenge. Here's my first three poems!
House Hunters
Deep in California Suburbia
combing through the pages of a well used street map
alert and adept at eyeing street signs at great distances.
A stack of floor plans and price lists stacked neatly on the seat
listings printed off the internet
and glossy cards announcing who works for whom.
Builders credentials and an uncanny ability to notice the
slightest defects in workmanship.
Wondering about rooftops and Spanish tiled floors.
From one door to the next
the scent of newness
Glue and carpet fibers, fresh paint.
Kitchenettes and Nooks beginning to melt together in the mind's eye
walls closing in and opening up
Great Rooms made stately examples of prominence and stature
Guest Rooms set aside for in-laws and boomerang children
Chasing prices through neighborhoods
as checks are written and mailed each month
The trek
only a practice run
through quiet, California Suburbia
I hate riding in the back seat
where there is no control
over the direction, the radio, or the heat.
Leaning forward to talk into the backs
of heads and uninvited to the conversation
directed toward the winshield.
Unashamedly the place reserved for children
or bags of groceries or the family dog.
A vile place to be
when riding as a party of three
to find oneself stuck riding in the back seat.
It's Electric
My husband
bless his heart
has begun to ground himself
before reaching over to kiss me
Saving himself
the torture of the spark
loud and persistent
that smacks his lips
and brings water to his eye
as he tries to greet me
at the end of his work day
A violent response
of a positive - negative reaction
that I argue
is my electric magnetism
House Hunters
Deep in California Suburbia
combing through the pages of a well used street map
alert and adept at eyeing street signs at great distances.
A stack of floor plans and price lists stacked neatly on the seat
listings printed off the internet
and glossy cards announcing who works for whom.
Builders credentials and an uncanny ability to notice the
slightest defects in workmanship.
Wondering about rooftops and Spanish tiled floors.
From one door to the next
the scent of newness
Glue and carpet fibers, fresh paint.
Kitchenettes and Nooks beginning to melt together in the mind's eye
walls closing in and opening up
Great Rooms made stately examples of prominence and stature
Guest Rooms set aside for in-laws and boomerang children
Chasing prices through neighborhoods
as checks are written and mailed each month
The trek
only a practice run
through quiet, California Suburbia
I hate riding in the back seat
where there is no control
over the direction, the radio, or the heat.
Leaning forward to talk into the backs
of heads and uninvited to the conversation
directed toward the winshield.
Unashamedly the place reserved for children
or bags of groceries or the family dog.
A vile place to be
when riding as a party of three
to find oneself stuck riding in the back seat.
It's Electric
My husband
bless his heart
has begun to ground himself
before reaching over to kiss me
Saving himself
the torture of the spark
loud and persistent
that smacks his lips
and brings water to his eye
as he tries to greet me
at the end of his work day
A violent response
of a positive - negative reaction
that I argue
is my electric magnetism
Saturday, October 10, 2009
You exhale
The signal
That you have something to say
But you aren't going to say it
And I don't ask
You exhale
Blowing out air
From the recesses of your lungs
As if you were running a race
And trying to catch your breath
I glance
You stare
And I don't ask
Because you want me to?
I think I'm just supposed to know
That's why you just
Because it's my fault that there is something
Heavy on your mind
And on mine
Air escaping in exasperation
With one
Or both of us
Maybe you have something to say
You just won't say it
And I won't ask
The signal
That you have something to say
But you aren't going to say it
And I don't ask
You exhale
Blowing out air
From the recesses of your lungs
As if you were running a race
And trying to catch your breath
I glance
You stare
And I don't ask
Because you want me to?
I think I'm just supposed to know
That's why you just
Because it's my fault that there is something
Heavy on your mind
And on mine
Air escaping in exasperation
With one
Or both of us
Maybe you have something to say
You just won't say it
And I won't ask
When I think about her
my skin rises up
like prickly heat
of children
on summer days
My face is warm
but my ears are red hot
this is how I know
what is dear
inside my heart
is on my sleeve
And I brush at it
to smooth away the evidence
of the chills that run
through my body
and seep out of my skin
my skin rises up
like prickly heat
of children
on summer days
My face is warm
but my ears are red hot
this is how I know
what is dear
inside my heart
is on my sleeve
And I brush at it
to smooth away the evidence
of the chills that run
through my body
and seep out of my skin
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Time's Not Soaring
I often find myself, at the end of the day, having run out of time. It never seems to soar for me. Just this incessant flapping and jerking back and forth over choppy skies. Is it me who fills my hours full of business and responsibility? I can blame my husband and the kids because they don't do what I want them to do so that I can do what I want to. Or I can, instead of completing the chores, stew until they come home from school then rant and rave and lose my mind because then there isn't enough time to finish all the things that I failed to do when I had the time and wasted it thinking about how I would make them all do it. Then they don't do it the way I want it done, the way I need it done, the way I obsess... And I still have to do them. And the more I stress, the less the children stress, and my husband will simply leave the room. So maybe one day, when the children are all grown and my husband is away on some fishing trip in the throws of his retirement I will feel the wind underneath me, pushing me up and over my stuff. And I'll find some extra time.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Fun with the five
Okay, so last weeks five word monologue is late...I guess I'll lose points, but better late than never. And, of course, to spice things up a bit, a clerihew
The words are: Pulverize, Cauldron, Forfeit, Sovereign, Shoals
A witch beside her cauldron fat
A sovereign soul is such as that
Some toad to pulverize and boil
To forfeit life for her mean toil
The toad inside the shoals had sat
His stature short and stoutly fat
But that witch was on the prowl
If not her, surely an owl
The words are: Pulverize, Cauldron, Forfeit, Sovereign, Shoals
A witch beside her cauldron fat
A sovereign soul is such as that
Some toad to pulverize and boil
To forfeit life for her mean toil
The toad inside the shoals had sat
His stature short and stoutly fat
But that witch was on the prowl
If not her, surely an owl
five words,
Friday, October 2, 2009
Book Review: "Voices of the Faithful"
Oh....I just can't say enough good things about this book. When I received it, my first thought was, "how pretty. It's such a pretty book." Ha! That's not even a fraction of what this book has to offer those who have devoted their lives to missionary work abroad, missionary work here at home, and simply to Christ!
"Voices of the Faithful" is a daily devotional. Each page represents one day. The first element is related scripture, then a short story and thoughts of a missionary somewhere in the world, and a short prayer.
The missionaries are regular, everyday people just like me. Mothers and fathers, husbands and wives, friends and neighbors. They balance their family with their calling. They understand on an awesome, seein'-God's-face kind of level what their calling is, they have followed His voice and they love what they do. It is so obvious in their words. I was impressed with the dedication and devotion these missionaries have to their calling, the sacrifices they make and their perception of their purpose. I enjoyed the chronicaling of daily life and the message brought forth through simple daily living. Some entries are trials, some are not, some are revelations, all are poignant in the life of a Christian. Each devotion is followed by a short prayer focusing on the lesson learned and as is the theme of the entire book, guided prayer for missionaries all over the world.
This book is a perfect daily reminder of whose we are and why we are.
"Voices of the Faithful" is a daily devotional. Each page represents one day. The first element is related scripture, then a short story and thoughts of a missionary somewhere in the world, and a short prayer.
The missionaries are regular, everyday people just like me. Mothers and fathers, husbands and wives, friends and neighbors. They balance their family with their calling. They understand on an awesome, seein'-God's-face kind of level what their calling is, they have followed His voice and they love what they do. It is so obvious in their words. I was impressed with the dedication and devotion these missionaries have to their calling, the sacrifices they make and their perception of their purpose. I enjoyed the chronicaling of daily life and the message brought forth through simple daily living. Some entries are trials, some are not, some are revelations, all are poignant in the life of a Christian. Each devotion is followed by a short prayer focusing on the lesson learned and as is the theme of the entire book, guided prayer for missionaries all over the world.
This book is a perfect daily reminder of whose we are and why we are.
New Outlook
The skin of my blog, though adorable, was not working properly. So here I have changed it to one of the preset templates. I hope this works just fine...
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Oh, those five...
The five for this week are: Besotted, Eavesdrop, Vein, Receipt, Piecemeal
The style I have chosen for this week: epistle
Dear Father,
I did not mean to eavesdrop
into your life. The part of
you that you have declared
is none of my business. I did
not mean to see you
besotted by that which
you have decided be a permanent
part of your body
moving piecemeal through vein and artery
and soul. Who is in receipt of your
illness? Who bares the guilt and
foots the bill? I'm sorry
that I stood behind the door
watching. Doing nothing.
I should have been in your face.
The style I have chosen for this week: epistle
Dear Father,
I did not mean to eavesdrop
into your life. The part of
you that you have declared
is none of my business. I did
not mean to see you
besotted by that which
you have decided be a permanent
part of your body
moving piecemeal through vein and artery
and soul. Who is in receipt of your
illness? Who bares the guilt and
foots the bill? I'm sorry
that I stood behind the door
watching. Doing nothing.
I should have been in your face.
five words,
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Book Review: "A Million Miles in a Thousand Years" by Donald Miller
If I had to describe "A Million Miles in a Thousand Years" in a sentence, I would say that this is a light-hearted, laid-back memoir written to inspire and encourage the twenty-something set filled with modern day proverbs and a refreshing outlook on life. "A Million Miles..." settles comfortably into the time in a person's life between adulthood and childhood, trying to fit in and know that you are okay is hard while it speaks to those of us who have been there and done that, maybe to see where we have been as average, giving us permission to look at our lives and pull out what was really important.
We are bombarded with the inflated images that the media portrays as real, commonplace, and normal. Donald Miller reeks of normalcy that we can see and touch, showing that life is so much more simple and sanguine compared to a movie. He shows the reader the jewels of living. In one chapter Miller describes bonding as something that is made stronger through conflict. And it's not just big pain that binds. It's any sort of conflict. It's any sort of common purpose being arrived at through a tough middle that brings people together.
While reading this book I took time to reflect on my own life and my own writing. ...a story, Miller writes, is based on what people think is important, so when we live a story, we are telling the people around us what we think is important.
The only negative comment I have about this book is the laid-back tone. It took several chapters for me to get past language that didn't transcend into my age bracket. Maybe I'm just getting older...
Nonetheless, I highly recommend this easy read. Miller gets five stars from me!
We are bombarded with the inflated images that the media portrays as real, commonplace, and normal. Donald Miller reeks of normalcy that we can see and touch, showing that life is so much more simple and sanguine compared to a movie. He shows the reader the jewels of living. In one chapter Miller describes bonding as something that is made stronger through conflict. And it's not just big pain that binds. It's any sort of conflict. It's any sort of common purpose being arrived at through a tough middle that brings people together.
While reading this book I took time to reflect on my own life and my own writing. ...a story, Miller writes, is based on what people think is important, so when we live a story, we are telling the people around us what we think is important.
The only negative comment I have about this book is the laid-back tone. It took several chapters for me to get past language that didn't transcend into my age bracket. Maybe I'm just getting older...
Nonetheless, I highly recommend this easy read. Miller gets five stars from me!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Am I THAT Woman?
As we studied, yesterday, the Proverbs 31 remember her-- the Virtuous Woman, the perfect woman... I started to self-analyze. Maybe reflecting on the things that I do. The things that I say. Because, I have tried to measure up to her. The woman that I saw in my own grandmother. Cooking and cleaning and sewing, mending, caring for her children and her husband, serving in the church, hot meals and clean restrooms, teaching Sunday School and carting children, her own grandchildren, and others' to and from. She prayed with the women and sat on the front row. She affirmed the Pastor's words with her own, shaking her handkerchief at him with a little hoot or howl and a hearty AMEN!
I recognized my own attempts to be all things to all people. Maybe because I thought that was what grandma did, certainly because I thought that's what that Proverbs 31 woman did. Everyone that touched me, I vowed would be affected by me. I would spread God's love through my actions. Then someone would be guilty of some transgression against me and I would lash out and forget who and what I was but I would assuredly be redeemed through my actions. Right?
But it was yesterday or maybe the day before in preparation for the lesson that I heard God's voice explain to me that it is not the actions of that woman that I am to emulate, it is the heart and the spirit and the attitude of that woman that I should hold in deference. I need a mind of servitude and a heart for it. I should do because that is who I am, not because that is how I think I should be. So, with a different outlook I took on the day. Serving, as my heart sings, my husband and my children. Serving not out of obligation or title, but simply out of love. Out of Love.
What a revelation to understand that He did, not because of who He is, but because of who I am, and His love for little ol' me!
I recognized my own attempts to be all things to all people. Maybe because I thought that was what grandma did, certainly because I thought that's what that Proverbs 31 woman did. Everyone that touched me, I vowed would be affected by me. I would spread God's love through my actions. Then someone would be guilty of some transgression against me and I would lash out and forget who and what I was but I would assuredly be redeemed through my actions. Right?
But it was yesterday or maybe the day before in preparation for the lesson that I heard God's voice explain to me that it is not the actions of that woman that I am to emulate, it is the heart and the spirit and the attitude of that woman that I should hold in deference. I need a mind of servitude and a heart for it. I should do because that is who I am, not because that is how I think I should be. So, with a different outlook I took on the day. Serving, as my heart sings, my husband and my children. Serving not out of obligation or title, but simply out of love. Out of Love.
What a revelation to understand that He did, not because of who He is, but because of who I am, and His love for little ol' me!
bible study,
proverbs 31,
virtuous woman
Sunday, September 20, 2009
This is what I have learned this week:
1. Rest and sleep are NOT synonomous
2. If I neglect my vegetable garden it will surely die...quickly; my rosebush will thrive on ongoing abuse and produce more robust flowers
3. Sweating is most profuse when you straighten your hair
4. The savings you realize while shopping at a discount store is thwarted by the anxiety of bagging your own groceries while the checker and other customers wait for you to clear the conveyor belt
5. Six year old flag football boys do not understand how to bust THROUGH the half-time banner
6. Kindergarteners and First Graders NEED a snack EVERY day!!!
7. Kindergarteners and First Graders NEED a nap EVERY day!!!
8. Interpreting toddler's wants is the first line of defense against screaming
9. Moms don't get vacation weeks
10. When someone notices that you've lost some weight, your response should be "thanks, I've been working out", not a crazed "oh yeah, all I've eaten today is Teddy Grahams and a juice box"
1. Rest and sleep are NOT synonomous
2. If I neglect my vegetable garden it will surely die...quickly; my rosebush will thrive on ongoing abuse and produce more robust flowers
3. Sweating is most profuse when you straighten your hair
4. The savings you realize while shopping at a discount store is thwarted by the anxiety of bagging your own groceries while the checker and other customers wait for you to clear the conveyor belt
5. Six year old flag football boys do not understand how to bust THROUGH the half-time banner
6. Kindergarteners and First Graders NEED a snack EVERY day!!!
7. Kindergarteners and First Graders NEED a nap EVERY day!!!
8. Interpreting toddler's wants is the first line of defense against screaming
9. Moms don't get vacation weeks
10. When someone notices that you've lost some weight, your response should be "thanks, I've been working out", not a crazed "oh yeah, all I've eaten today is Teddy Grahams and a juice box"
flag football,
weight loss
Friday, September 18, 2009
5 words and a villanelle
Looking Back (a villanelle)
It was their past that would foreshadow their future.
Gazing into each others eyes
they knew they survived in spite of an ominous history.
The pain at times was just too much.
Lives relived through a series of deja vu.
It was their past that would foreshadow their future,
but they hadn't realized it then.
So they grasped at any hint of spontaneity in all that they did.
They knew they survived in spite of an ominous history.
At times she would look away,
avert her eyes as if he were simply the next door neighbor, but
it was their past that would foreshadow their future,
and he lived it as such. His pilgrimage to town for work each day
and home each evening to dine like strangers.
They knew they survived in spite of an ominous history,
each one afraid to change what had become of them.
It was their past that would foreshadow their future;
they knew they survived in spite of an ominous history.
(This is my entry for this weeks 5 Word Challenge from I decided to pump it up a notch by using the poetic form villanelle. The five words for this week are: Ominous, Pilgrims, Neighbor, Spontaneity, and Foreshadow.)
It was their past that would foreshadow their future.
Gazing into each others eyes
they knew they survived in spite of an ominous history.
The pain at times was just too much.
Lives relived through a series of deja vu.
It was their past that would foreshadow their future,
but they hadn't realized it then.
So they grasped at any hint of spontaneity in all that they did.
They knew they survived in spite of an ominous history.
At times she would look away,
avert her eyes as if he were simply the next door neighbor, but
it was their past that would foreshadow their future,
and he lived it as such. His pilgrimage to town for work each day
and home each evening to dine like strangers.
They knew they survived in spite of an ominous history,
each one afraid to change what had become of them.
It was their past that would foreshadow their future;
they knew they survived in spite of an ominous history.
(This is my entry for this weeks 5 Word Challenge from I decided to pump it up a notch by using the poetic form villanelle. The five words for this week are: Ominous, Pilgrims, Neighbor, Spontaneity, and Foreshadow.)
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
I'm not going to make pancakes this morning
I'm not going to make pancakes or oatmeal or fluffy scrambled eggs.I don't want to wash dishes or fold laundry.
It is three minutes to six and the week has been crazy, the house is looking crazy, I am feeling crazy. I woke the kids already but they must have put me on snooze. I would wait until the very last minute and make them run around like maniacs, but they won't. They only have one speed--I'm coming. It doesn't matter if we are early or running late. I threaten and hollar, but the result is still the same--I'm coming. So in response, I'm pouring bowls of cold cereal and the dishes and laundry will just have to wait.
I think I'll fix myself a cup of coffee.
It is three minutes to six and the week has been crazy, the house is looking crazy, I am feeling crazy. I woke the kids already but they must have put me on snooze. I would wait until the very last minute and make them run around like maniacs, but they won't. They only have one speed--I'm coming. It doesn't matter if we are early or running late. I threaten and hollar, but the result is still the same--I'm coming. So in response, I'm pouring bowls of cold cereal and the dishes and laundry will just have to wait.
I think I'll fix myself a cup of coffee.
Monday, September 14, 2009
What's Goin' On?
I notice around me-- everything marked with a nice pink ribbon. We have come to this place where ribbons identify causes, red, blue, pink, rainbow, purple, black, yellow. You know without asking what a person holds dear, what is close to their heart, that "thing" that has impacted their life, or maybe the thing they fear may impact their life. Could be the prerequisite for the mindset to fend off cancer or mental illness. The trophy of overcoming the challenge or the anger with which we accept that which was taken away. The inability to fight with the practical, fighting with dollars, your receipt the symbol that you carry. So that everyone is aware. Lest we forget. And in October, for 30 days we walk and run, we pray and cry, we fight and win and proudly wear our pink ribbons.
Friday, September 4, 2009
The Wedding Day
I hadn't considered all the possible circumstances. I hadn't thought it might be over 100 degrees outside that day. Sweating profusely through layers of lotions, baby powder and taffeta I peeled locks of hair from my face. I stood as gracefully as one could with perspiration dripping down the backs of my knees. The minister paused as a zephyr floated overhead, snickers and laughter rising from overheated guests. I closed my eyes and reminisced of the long engagement; "time enough to plan a grand gala on the beach," I had boasted. But the day had come with a fury unknown to this part of the country. "A heat wave, out of season," the newscaster declared. I glanced across at my poor mother, trying to make the best of the situation. One of the ushers brought her a glass of water. Listening to the hum of the blimp overhead I watched condensation drip little round stains on my mother's silk dress.
(Here's the words: Graceful Engagement Zephyr Profusely Condensation)
(Here's the words: Graceful Engagement Zephyr Profusely Condensation)
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Sometimes, I am learning,
you have to step away from
those things that bring you comfort.
You have to move yourself into
a circle of people
who you don't know
and you appear invisible to.
And you have to raise your voice
what you have to say
is just that important.
It is just that urgent,
that if you don't...
your comfort zone will become
very uncomfortable.
you have to step away from
those things that bring you comfort.
You have to move yourself into
a circle of people
who you don't know
and you appear invisible to.
And you have to raise your voice
what you have to say
is just that important.
It is just that urgent,
that if you don't...
your comfort zone will become
very uncomfortable.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
(This is a monologue in response to the 5 Word Monologue Challenge posted on The words for this challenge are: translator, mercy, guile, hibernation, updating)
It felt like I had been asleep for ages. A hibernation of sorts that in reality lasted merely one scant hour. I hadn't realized how tired I was.
It may have been the hours on the road or the impending ice storm that caused me, finally to pull to the side and close my eyes. I realized that the last 50 miles were traveled by God's mercy alone. I could not recall passing through the last small town just north of the border, or crossing over into the valley.
Three days with Abuelita had worn my nerves paper thin and heightened the cause to leave that afternoon. I hadn't slept and my bowels were twisted with the delicacies that frequented their dinner plates. The translator sent by the Embassy proved to be less than adequate for my needs. Abuelita's broken, foraged, and twisted version of French, Spanish, and German served her well in the melting pot of her little village propped vicariously on the side of a cliff overlooking the sea. The communal had their own language, some sanguine mixture.
There may have been some conspiracy in determining that I would be the one to travel by car, 800 miles, into the desolation in which the village rested, to the daunting task of updating Abuelita on the death of her son. It may have been the foreknowledge of her disposition and attitude with which I would be met. Or it could have been her history of spitting at distasteful news that prevented anyone else from volunteering to go to dear Abuelita in this time of sorrow.
Whatever the reason, I knew when sour smelling spittle dotted my face and shirt that this would be the only time I would make this trip. It would be the last time I ever saw Abuelita. With guile in my heart I tossed my bag into the front seat of my car, dusted the gravel and any remnants of my visit from my feet and drove away. I didn't say goodbye, I didn't look back.
It felt like I had been asleep for ages. A hibernation of sorts that in reality lasted merely one scant hour. I hadn't realized how tired I was.
It may have been the hours on the road or the impending ice storm that caused me, finally to pull to the side and close my eyes. I realized that the last 50 miles were traveled by God's mercy alone. I could not recall passing through the last small town just north of the border, or crossing over into the valley.
Three days with Abuelita had worn my nerves paper thin and heightened the cause to leave that afternoon. I hadn't slept and my bowels were twisted with the delicacies that frequented their dinner plates. The translator sent by the Embassy proved to be less than adequate for my needs. Abuelita's broken, foraged, and twisted version of French, Spanish, and German served her well in the melting pot of her little village propped vicariously on the side of a cliff overlooking the sea. The communal had their own language, some sanguine mixture.
There may have been some conspiracy in determining that I would be the one to travel by car, 800 miles, into the desolation in which the village rested, to the daunting task of updating Abuelita on the death of her son. It may have been the foreknowledge of her disposition and attitude with which I would be met. Or it could have been her history of spitting at distasteful news that prevented anyone else from volunteering to go to dear Abuelita in this time of sorrow.
Whatever the reason, I knew when sour smelling spittle dotted my face and shirt that this would be the only time I would make this trip. It would be the last time I ever saw Abuelita. With guile in my heart I tossed my bag into the front seat of my car, dusted the gravel and any remnants of my visit from my feet and drove away. I didn't say goodbye, I didn't look back.
Book Review: "The Noticer" by Andy Andrews

"Seeing the world through rose colored glasses" may be the parallel to this wonderful book by Andy Andrews. How you see your world, how you live your life, and the joy and satisfaction you get from it... how to change your life is all a matter of changing your perspective.
This wonderful story is told by Andy and chronicles the visits of an old man named Jones to a small town near the sea and the lives that he touches. With a strong base in Christianity The Noticer is not in-your-face, Bible-thumping preaching. A short, quick read that would be a wonderful gift for the believing and unbelieving friend. I see this as a wonderful missionary tool.
I don't usually like to mark my books, but while I was reading I found myself holding onto a pen. I have underlined quotes and noted thoughts in the margins. The book is very thought provoking and for me, I just wanted to be able to find those little jewels again quickly. My favorite: "What you focus on will increase." I've shared that quote with a friend and it opened an awesome conversation about how we need to focus on the positive things in our lives (perspective) and how we must focus on God in praise and prayer, making Him bigger than all of the annoyances of life.
And there's a bonus! At the end of the book there is a reader's guide. Lots of thought provoking questions, broken down by chapter. Perfect for personal use or for a book club, or even for homeschooling. I found that the questions helped me to get a little deeper. Some of the questions took me back to the thoughts and feelings I had while reading the book, causing me to reflect and really dig into my own understanding.
I very highly recommend this book. It will change your life. It will change your outlook.
Andy Andrews,
book review,
reader's guide,
The Noticer
Thursday, August 27, 2009
I was there by mistake
People not aware
Paperwork left un-managed
Put me where
I wasn't supposed to be
I stood around and waited
But they still could not find
The purpose for my visit
Someone else
Had completed the deed
I was not where I could have been
When he came around
Bustling, busy at task
Caught where he
Wasn't supposed to be
People not aware
Paperwork left un-managed
Put me where
I wasn't supposed to be
I stood around and waited
But they still could not find
The purpose for my visit
Someone else
Had completed the deed
I was not where I could have been
When he came around
Bustling, busy at task
Caught where he
Wasn't supposed to be
Sunday, August 16, 2009
I Know it's Supposed to Be Funny...but (Book review: Rick and Bubba's Guide to the Almost Nearly Perfect Marriage)

I know that "Rick and Bubba's Guide to the Almost Nearly Perfect Marriage" is supposed to be funny, but I didn't even chuckle. Maybe you have to be from the south, maybe you have to love hunting, or know a hunter, or like deer meat...I don't know. But this California, born and raised, "Valley Girl" didn't get it.
The "Guide" does not really offer any solid information or guidance except maybe to have a little sence of humor when it comes to marriage. They tell stories from their own lives and offer some interesting lists. For example, one of the lists is about the marriage vows, giving silly examples of the "for betters" and "for worses" (is that a word?). It may just be a demographic thing that I don't see the humor in a wife destroying her husband's fishing boat.
On the other hand, the book comes with a CD full of shorts from Rick and Bubba's radio show. That was funny! I enjoyed listening to them taking calls from listeners and a clip from one of the wives joking about an email that asked if she was older than her husband. In person, it seems, they are much more comical than in print. My kids and I listened to the CD over and over.
I'll just pass the book on to a friend.
book review,
Rick and Bubba's,
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tellin' Lies
It can be
so much easier
to retell the story --
I always tell my kids
If the story that you tell
is the one
that really is!
If you have kids, you know the look, the one that hangs on the words of deception; eyebrows raised as if to force the point. The look that children equate with truth-telling, though it certainly belies falsehoods. Their mouths uttering one thing and their faces saying "really!" More a question than a statement..."really -- don't you believe me?" And then, due to the lack of response from the already schooled-on-it parent they continue to talk, digging a hole deep enough to bury the entire house.
And when they become teens, there is the belligerent and loud, sometimes whiney, "You never believe me!"
Today's Poetic Asides prompt is: write a poem that deals with telling the truth--or even with telling a lie, hope you liked my spin on it :o)
It can be
so much easier
to retell the story --
I always tell my kids
If the story that you tell
is the one
that really is!
If you have kids, you know the look, the one that hangs on the words of deception; eyebrows raised as if to force the point. The look that children equate with truth-telling, though it certainly belies falsehoods. Their mouths uttering one thing and their faces saying "really!" More a question than a statement..."really -- don't you believe me?" And then, due to the lack of response from the already schooled-on-it parent they continue to talk, digging a hole deep enough to bury the entire house.
And when they become teens, there is the belligerent and loud, sometimes whiney, "You never believe me!"
Today's Poetic Asides prompt is: write a poem that deals with telling the truth--or even with telling a lie, hope you liked my spin on it :o)
Monday, July 27, 2009

I woke up early this morning because there was a spider walking on my face!!! How do you go back to sleep after that? I cooked my husband breakfast and got on the computer to pay some bills and check an alchemy I bid on. When I finally got to my email imagine my surprise to find a message on ByHand telling me one of my items is featured today!!!! I am so excited I can hardly stand it. Though I still don't think I could go back to bed if I wanted to anyway... So I guess I'll browse around a bit and see what everyone is up to... Thanks ByHand! What a wonderful surprise :)
You can see it here:
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Don't you need a hero?
I took the kids to the local movie theater yesterday. They are hosting a family film festival for the month of July into August. Free movies for the kids, one G and one PG rated film, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings.
Yesterday's movie was "Everyone's Hero" - (Animation) G. I haven't seen such a wonderful movie for kids in a long time.
Yankee is a little boy in New York City when Babe Ruth was at the pinnacle of his career. The unscrupulous manager of the Chicago Cubs devises a scheme to stop Babe Ruth and the Yankees from winning the World Series. Yankee's dad works as a janitor at Wrigley Stadium. One night, while visiting his dad at work, Yankee witnesses one of the Cub's players steal Babe Ruth's lucky bat, Darlin'. Yankee and his dad are blamed for the disappearance of the bat and his dad is fired. The rest of the film is Yankee's adventures trying to retrieve the bat and return it to Babe Ruth.
Ten year old Yankee has problems on the sandlot because he's not a good baseball player, but he makes friends with a ornery baseball he names Screwy who talks, but only to Yankee. Yankee finds encouragement from his dad, Screwy, Darlin' and Babe Ruth, giving him the courage to keep on going, to do what's right and to never give up!
When we are so inundated with all that is unholy, vile, and blasphemous, it really was encouraging to see such positive messages in a family film. I laughed, the kids laughed, my little ones were intrigued, I teared up a little bit (don't tell), and we all left the theater feeling good, uplifted, and maybe a little empowered!

Yankee is a little boy in New York City when Babe Ruth was at the pinnacle of his career. The unscrupulous manager of the Chicago Cubs devises a scheme to stop Babe Ruth and the Yankees from winning the World Series. Yankee's dad works as a janitor at Wrigley Stadium. One night, while visiting his dad at work, Yankee witnesses one of the Cub's players steal Babe Ruth's lucky bat, Darlin'. Yankee and his dad are blamed for the disappearance of the bat and his dad is fired. The rest of the film is Yankee's adventures trying to retrieve the bat and return it to Babe Ruth.
Ten year old Yankee has problems on the sandlot because he's not a good baseball player, but he makes friends with a ornery baseball he names Screwy who talks, but only to Yankee. Yankee finds encouragement from his dad, Screwy, Darlin' and Babe Ruth, giving him the courage to keep on going, to do what's right and to never give up!
When we are so inundated with all that is unholy, vile, and blasphemous, it really was encouraging to see such positive messages in a family film. I laughed, the kids laughed, my little ones were intrigued, I teared up a little bit (don't tell), and we all left the theater feeling good, uplifted, and maybe a little empowered!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Am I?

Am I who I am? Am I acting like the person I claim to be? A few weeks ago the Pastor gave a thought provoking message about being true. I reflected on the way home and then asked my husband, "Am I who I am?" He looked at me and smiled, maybe because hearing it was funny, or maybe he was thinking of a funny response, or maybe just because I am funny. Who knows? But he said, "Yes, I think so."
So ever since I have been considering who I am. Of course I am mommy, and I am wife, sister, daughter and friend. But I claim to be one of the King's kids, a child of the Most High, daughter of dear Adonai. In that...what does royalty act like? What does royalty wear? How does royalty speak? I decided, or God revealed, I'm not always clear about know, flesh... But I came to the understanding that I need to act like I possess the salvation that was purchased for me and to don righteousness and then to keep two things, and only two things in my mouth: praise and His message.
"I can do that," I thought to myself, and then the faucet in the shower wouldn't shut off, and the stove malfunctioned, and the kids wouldn't listen to me, and my truck is making some weird new sound, and my stomach started to hurt, and I got a headache, and...God is great, He is magnificent, He is worthy to be praised. Hallelujah! He is my glory, He is my redeemer. He is wonderful. His power abounds and sin is His enemy. He is the ruler of all things, the holder of all things holy, and the giver of new life! He loves me so much that He sent His Son to die so that I might be saved! Glory to Him! Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus, Thank you Lord! Amen!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Porgy and Bess
Mmmmm....I was in high school. A senior and an AKA Debutant. As a group we went to the opera and saw Porgy and Bess. I still remember it and the awe I felt watching the performers, African American performers. So full of pride and excitement... Here's a little taste:
And a nice slideshow:
And a nice slideshow:
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Eggs are on sale...
Eggs are on sale at the local grocery store. Chicken too. 59 cents a pound for a whole chicken. Limit 3. I get excited when I see the sales. $1.69 for General Mills cereal, a ten pound bag of potatoes for $3.99 and a coupon for a package of Oreo Cookies for 99 cents. I've always tried to be thrifty. Then my family grew by leaps and bounds and saving a buck became part of our life. There is certainly no pride in being wasteful. I have learned to be satisfied with what the Lord provides and I rest in knowing that He will meet all my needs.
Today I am living the 37th Psalm, I am encouraged by verses 23-26:
23 The Lord directs the steps of the godly.
He delights in every detail of their lives.
24 Though they stumble, they will never fall,
for the Lord holds them by the hand.
25 Once I was young, and now I am old.
Yet I have never seen the godly abandoned
or their children begging for bread.
26 The godly always give generous loans to others,
and their children are a blessing.
Today I am living the 37th Psalm, I am encouraged by verses 23-26:
23 The Lord directs the steps of the godly.
He delights in every detail of their lives.
24 Though they stumble, they will never fall,
for the Lord holds them by the hand.
25 Once I was young, and now I am old.
Yet I have never seen the godly abandoned
or their children begging for bread.
26 The godly always give generous loans to others,
and their children are a blessing.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Tooth Fairy
I came across this website and I am just too tickled. Clifford and Jasmine are in the throws of loosing their teeth. We had to go to the dentist and have one of Cliff's pulled. When I saw this website I was just too through. What a wonderful idea. I was thinking of getting several of the pages and doing one for each of my four little ones... what a wonderful keepsake...
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
My father is very sick. I learned last night. What do you do when your father is very sick and you can't do anything about it? I cried a little, then I prayed. And then I cried a little. I think that's okay. I know it's a trial of faith, but is it really about having faith? Or just not wanting my dad to be in pain? To be suffering? I try to recall in my mind the sound of his voice. Because the illness has made him sound slurred and marbled. I try to recall the image of him from my youth. Strong and vibrant. I keep that image in my head. It gives me a thing to hold on to. I'm sorrowful. But that is okay. The tears release my pain. They are the signature of the love I have for him.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
That little quilt is giving me grief. Not that I have a million other things to do...I really don't have the time to dedicate to quilting a 12x36 inch wall hanging!!! I dread pulling out my old machine, but I know that it works like a charm for quilting, no adjustments needed. But I would guess that booger is about 70 or so pounds and out in the garage. I just don't understand why the new machine won't do it right. Arrrrggghhhh... But I suppose if this is the greatest inconvenience today I'm doing good.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Sleeping In The Bed I Made
Sleeping In The Bed I Made
I woke up this morning
and found that I had been
sleeping in the bed I made
and then I got out on the wrong side.
I woke up this morning
and found that I had been
sleeping in the bed I made
and then I got out on the wrong side.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Wall hanging
Friday, May 29, 2009
The Sleepover

The Sleepover
It seemed like the right thing to do
Refresh her ponytails
Make her look nice
for church
But I knew when I saw her
the dilemma she faced
when she innocently took down those two
unassuming braids
Like a nuclear explosion
tightly twisted locs became
an unruly mass of thick, unmanagable
I chuckled as I leaned into my husband's ear
A puzzled, "how do you know?"
was his query
But I knew
she would never again venture there
if the kids had another
Monday, May 25, 2009
I just realized...
I have fourteen followers! There are fourteen people watching what I write and who are watching what I am doing. There are fourteen who might be influenced by something I say or do, or don't say or don't do. That is pretty me. Fourteen. And for those fourteen I will continue to write, to journal, and to let you peek into my life. All the little things that I do to be shared with you. All fourteen. Thank you
Hey! Here's a picture of a covered book I made...wanna know how? Look below:

The covered book is a perfect project for the kids...
Composition book
1/4 yard fold of cotton fabric
(a "fat quarter" works perfect for this...ask at the fabric store)
2 pieces of cardstock
1. Open your fabric and place the open composition book on top. Cut the fabric about two inches larger than the book.
2. Cut a piece of batting large enough to cover the front and back of the composition book and cut the cardstock to about 1/4 inch smaller than the cover of the book.
3. Place the batting on the center of the fabric and place the book on top of the batting.
4. Cut a slit in the fabric toward the spine of the book, but stop about 1/2 inch away from the book.
5. Fold the fabric and the batting over the book and glue one of the edges of the fabric to the inside cover of the book, and repeat for the other two sides on that side of the book being careful to neatly fold in the corners.
6. Glue one of the pieces of cardstock to the inside of the cover to cover up the edges of the fabric.

7. Close the book and repeat 5 and 6 on the back cover.
And there you have it! How easy is that. Enjoy--
Hey! Here's a picture of a covered book I made...wanna know how? Look below:
The covered book is a perfect project for the kids...
Composition book
1/4 yard fold of cotton fabric
(a "fat quarter" works perfect for this...ask at the fabric store)
2 pieces of cardstock
1. Open your fabric and place the open composition book on top. Cut the fabric about two inches larger than the book.
2. Cut a piece of batting large enough to cover the front and back of the composition book and cut the cardstock to about 1/4 inch smaller than the cover of the book.
3. Place the batting on the center of the fabric and place the book on top of the batting.
4. Cut a slit in the fabric toward the spine of the book, but stop about 1/2 inch away from the book.
5. Fold the fabric and the batting over the book and glue one of the edges of the fabric to the inside cover of the book, and repeat for the other two sides on that side of the book being careful to neatly fold in the corners.
6. Glue one of the pieces of cardstock to the inside of the cover to cover up the edges of the fabric.
7. Close the book and repeat 5 and 6 on the back cover.
And there you have it! How easy is that. Enjoy--
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Help Meet
WOW...On Tuesday morning I taught my bible study class a lesson on 1 Peter 3:1-6. I was a little nervous about it because some of the women had told me previously that they had "issues" with the Lord's admonition to submit to our husbands. Fortunately, I have been studying this topic for several months. I was pretty confident about what The Word says about wives and pretty confident about embracing what I learned, but I wasn't too sure about my ability to meet the but's and what if's with clarity, surety and assurance. I was determined not to argue about The Word. With wise counsel I decided it wise to stick to what the bible says, and come ready with scripture to back up anything that I would say. I imagined the possible scenarios and questions as I studied and prepared for the class.
Today is Wednesday and all I can say is WOW!!! The Lord moved in a wonderful way. He provided the words, the scriptures, and the tact to pull it off. The group was excited and motivated. But more importantly, I have grown by bounds and come so much closer to the Lord and my own husband. It is dynamic how the Lord moves in our lives. He is an Awesome God!!!
Check out this book... my girlfriend brought it to me many, many months ago. When I started reading I had a transformation and a renewing of my mind. When I let God change me I was eager to really hear and do His will. And for this...I am being blessed.

It can be purchased here:
Today is Wednesday and all I can say is WOW!!! The Lord moved in a wonderful way. He provided the words, the scriptures, and the tact to pull it off. The group was excited and motivated. But more importantly, I have grown by bounds and come so much closer to the Lord and my own husband. It is dynamic how the Lord moves in our lives. He is an Awesome God!!!
Check out this book... my girlfriend brought it to me many, many months ago. When I started reading I had a transformation and a renewing of my mind. When I let God change me I was eager to really hear and do His will. And for this...I am being blessed.

It can be purchased here:
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mother's Day
Today is Mother's Day. My children, the five year old-s, made gifts for me at school. They were so excited they couldn't even wait until today. Two little styrofoam cup "flower pots" with colored paper flowers. In the pot were Hershey Kisses :). Jasmine's flower pot had five kisses, Clifford's only had three, about which he announced I was welcome to share with him...hmmmm. I shared, but I'm still wondering about the other two candies! This morning my usually Sunday-morning-sleeping-in husband is in the kitchen making waffles for the first time in his life and the kids are still in the bed. I peeked in the kid's room this morning and saw them sleeping so peacefully.
I came to my blog this morning to give props to my mother and my grandmothers (I was blessed to have three!!). A friend of mine said that I have mastered dying crafts. My sister in law says she knows she has to find her way to my house in the event of a major disaster...she knows we will survive... They talk about my crochet, knit, sewing, quilting, cross-stitching, latch-hooking, baking from scratch, canning, and pickling. The arts that I watched my mother and grandmothers perfect. The crafts that they spent summers teaching me while I sat at kitchen counters and on living room and sewing room floors. I appreciate them and the time they gave to me passing down traditions and seasoning my natural talents. Providing for me crafts to defeat the "I'm-bored-s". Those crafts that lend themselves nicely to gift giving and practical living. The crafts that remind me of the lovely ladies that made such an impact on my life, and in effect, the lives of my children and my husband. They each gave me a timeless reminder of them, and something to pass on to my own daughters.
So much thanks Mom, Grandma Garrett, Grandma Tisdale and Norma! Happy Mother's Day!
I came to my blog this morning to give props to my mother and my grandmothers (I was blessed to have three!!). A friend of mine said that I have mastered dying crafts. My sister in law says she knows she has to find her way to my house in the event of a major disaster...she knows we will survive... They talk about my crochet, knit, sewing, quilting, cross-stitching, latch-hooking, baking from scratch, canning, and pickling. The arts that I watched my mother and grandmothers perfect. The crafts that they spent summers teaching me while I sat at kitchen counters and on living room and sewing room floors. I appreciate them and the time they gave to me passing down traditions and seasoning my natural talents. Providing for me crafts to defeat the "I'm-bored-s". Those crafts that lend themselves nicely to gift giving and practical living. The crafts that remind me of the lovely ladies that made such an impact on my life, and in effect, the lives of my children and my husband. They each gave me a timeless reminder of them, and something to pass on to my own daughters.
So much thanks Mom, Grandma Garrett, Grandma Tisdale and Norma! Happy Mother's Day!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
The first ten people to go to my blog, become a follower and post a comment on one of my posts will receive a free gift. Only one per... please... I will contact the winners for their addresses...
Wanna know what the gift is? Check out my etsy shop to see what I do ;)
Good luck
Wanna know what the gift is? Check out my etsy shop to see what I do ;)
Good luck
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Because I don't have anything else to do...(yeah, right)
USING ONLY ONE WORD! It's not as easy as you might think! Copy and change the answers to suit you and pass it on. It's really hard to only use one word answers. Be sure to tag the person you received it from!
(To do this, go to "notes" under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your list, tag people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)
1. Where is your mobile phone? dunno
2. Your significant other? Rich
3. Your hair? unkept
4. Your favorite thing? chocolate
5. Your dream last night? none
6. Your favorite drink? cola
7. Your dream/goal? happiness
8. What room you are in? dining
9. Your hobby? which
10. Your fear? death
11. Where do you want to be in 6 years? work
12. Where were you last night? bed
13. Muffins? blueberry
14. Wish list item? sneakers
15. Where you grew up? California
16. Last thing you did? crochet
17. What are you wearing? skirt
18. Your TV? on
19. Your pets? Rollo
20. Friends? dear
21. Your life? busy
22. Your mood? excited
23. Missing some one? grandma
24. Car? expensive
25. Something you're not wearing? earrings
26. Your favorite store? JoAnn's
27. Your favorite color? orange
28. When is the last time you laughed? 5
29. Last time you cried? months
30. Who will resend this? Coco
31. One place that I go to over and over? bathroom
32. One person who emails me regularly? spam
(To do this, go to "notes" under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your list, tag people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)
1. Where is your mobile phone? dunno
2. Your significant other? Rich
3. Your hair? unkept
4. Your favorite thing? chocolate
5. Your dream last night? none
6. Your favorite drink? cola
7. Your dream/goal? happiness
8. What room you are in? dining
9. Your hobby? which
10. Your fear? death
11. Where do you want to be in 6 years? work
12. Where were you last night? bed
13. Muffins? blueberry
14. Wish list item? sneakers
15. Where you grew up? California
16. Last thing you did? crochet
17. What are you wearing? skirt
18. Your TV? on
19. Your pets? Rollo
20. Friends? dear
21. Your life? busy
22. Your mood? excited
23. Missing some one? grandma
24. Car? expensive
25. Something you're not wearing? earrings
26. Your favorite store? JoAnn's
27. Your favorite color? orange
28. When is the last time you laughed? 5
29. Last time you cried? months
30. Who will resend this? Coco
31. One place that I go to over and over? bathroom
32. One person who emails me regularly? spam
Friday, March 13, 2009
Private School
I started looking at private Christian schools for my Kindergarten twins. I thought that there might be money out help me send them to a "good" school. Ha!
Let me back up: My older three have been attending public schools for the last five years. In that time I have learned that though the district brags on their academic standings, they are in reality far behind being "good" schools. I laugh everytime I see the "California Distinguised School" logos. Really, what does that mean? I blame No Child Left Behind for the bulk of the problems and cash flow for the rest. I learned early-on with my dealings with these schools that they are more concerned with test scores and outcomes than they are with what the children have actually learned. Homework goes ungraded (not unmarked, they get credit for turning anything in. D's are passing, no matter what subject they are in, including PE and Art. It only takes 2 D's to promote to the next grade level (all F's in the other subjects is OK). They don't retain students (nope--they dumb-down the work). Good luck if your child has a true learning disability, it's like pulling the teeth of a rhinoceros to get and IEP and don't think for a minute that the teachers that complain about your child to you are going to have your back in the hearing!
I have tried my best to help them in their schooling, but it is really hard when they are in a school all day where dollars are more important than students. Hence my decision to try to get my children enrolled in a private school.
To my dismay, enrollment fees are in the thousands in my area. Like $4-5,000 each per year. Some offer modest discounts for multiple children, but others do not. That would run approximately $650 per month. But that doesn't include the $300 registration fee, uniforms, materials and books, field trips, sports and music fees, and three or more mandatory fundraisers that "complete" the cost of school because of course the 4 grand is discounted!!!
What ever happened to the vouchers? I guess that was voted down, and now I am left to either homeschool, continue to send my kids to the public schools, or my husband and I can work around the clock (oh! but there are no viable jobs--I forgot, we are in a recession).
I guess as long as those who make enough have the option to send their kids to the best schools do and they continue to pay taxes so my kids have somewhere to go all day, then public school is good enough for me. What are my kids going to become anyway? Fast food cooks, convenience store clerks, or cashiers at mega stores? They don't really need the "good" education. Let's reserve that for those who have the money. Sheesh!!!
Who knows...maybe God has some big surprise for me and my kids. I'll wait patiently on Him. I'll pray and I'll rejoice because He is still in the miracle business!
Let me back up: My older three have been attending public schools for the last five years. In that time I have learned that though the district brags on their academic standings, they are in reality far behind being "good" schools. I laugh everytime I see the "California Distinguised School" logos. Really, what does that mean? I blame No Child Left Behind for the bulk of the problems and cash flow for the rest. I learned early-on with my dealings with these schools that they are more concerned with test scores and outcomes than they are with what the children have actually learned. Homework goes ungraded (not unmarked, they get credit for turning anything in. D's are passing, no matter what subject they are in, including PE and Art. It only takes 2 D's to promote to the next grade level (all F's in the other subjects is OK). They don't retain students (nope--they dumb-down the work). Good luck if your child has a true learning disability, it's like pulling the teeth of a rhinoceros to get and IEP and don't think for a minute that the teachers that complain about your child to you are going to have your back in the hearing!
I have tried my best to help them in their schooling, but it is really hard when they are in a school all day where dollars are more important than students. Hence my decision to try to get my children enrolled in a private school.
To my dismay, enrollment fees are in the thousands in my area. Like $4-5,000 each per year. Some offer modest discounts for multiple children, but others do not. That would run approximately $650 per month. But that doesn't include the $300 registration fee, uniforms, materials and books, field trips, sports and music fees, and three or more mandatory fundraisers that "complete" the cost of school because of course the 4 grand is discounted!!!
What ever happened to the vouchers? I guess that was voted down, and now I am left to either homeschool, continue to send my kids to the public schools, or my husband and I can work around the clock (oh! but there are no viable jobs--I forgot, we are in a recession).
I guess as long as those who make enough have the option to send their kids to the best schools do and they continue to pay taxes so my kids have somewhere to go all day, then public school is good enough for me. What are my kids going to become anyway? Fast food cooks, convenience store clerks, or cashiers at mega stores? They don't really need the "good" education. Let's reserve that for those who have the money. Sheesh!!!
Who knows...maybe God has some big surprise for me and my kids. I'll wait patiently on Him. I'll pray and I'll rejoice because He is still in the miracle business!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
How Fun!
I designed some bottle covers that fit baby bottles, sippy cups and 16 ounce water bottles. I posted them in my etsy shop at $7.50 each or two for $13.50. They can be made to order in any color you want. No more setting your water bottle down and forgetting which one is yours. These covers are great for absorbing condensation and insulating warm baby bottles. They are made of 100% cotton yarn and are machine washable and dryable. Check 'em out below!
I wanted to have 100 washcloths finished by today for a giveaway, but as things go I have to be flexible and go where I am led.'s pics of the bottle covers and check back here and at my etsy shop for the washcloths.

I wanted to have 100 washcloths finished by today for a giveaway, but as things go I have to be flexible and go where I am led.'s pics of the bottle covers and check back here and at my etsy shop for the washcloths.
baby bottle,
baby shower,
bottle cover,
water bottle
Friday, February 27, 2009
I know I have issues. Mostly those that I need to simply "get over". But then there is that one thing that drives me mad! I bought this yarn at Jo-Ann's, Traditions, Debbie Mumm for Jo-Ann, a pretty green varigated color (Pine Needle), to make something pretty, maybe for my mom because it's her favorite color. So I start to crochet..and the yarn is bunching up behind my hand and winding back on itself. I am constantly pulling it straight. I learn to hold the yarn very loose, crochet very loose, and pull from the skein very loose. Then I realize that aside from that, I need to pull it out and start over because the stitch I'm using is too tight for this yarn and it's not looking really nice. To my dismay, pulling it out turned into a terrible activity. The yarn doesn't smoothly un-crochet. So I change my pattern and start over. I'm doing pretty well and finish up the first skein and pull yarn from the second to match where I am in the varigation. No--- the next skein is wrapped backwards from the first one and will crochet up in the reverse of what I was just making. Now I need to unravel the entire skein and wind a ball (remember this yarn winds back on itself if handled too roughly). I want to call the company and complain but there is no phone number on the skein. I've stopped working to get on the internet to find the company and a phone number to talk to someone about this. En route I decided to hit my blog. Sheesh...
Debbie Mumm,
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
United States Copywright Law
Here's what I learned, directly from the United States Copyright Office:
"Copyright protection extends to a description, explanation, or illustration of an idea or system, assuming that the requirements of the copyright law are met. Copyright in such a case protects the particular literary or pictoral expression chosen by the author. However, it gives the copyright owner no exclusive rights in the idea, method, or system involved.
Suppose, for example, that an author writes a book explaining a new system for food processing. The copyright in the book, which comes into effect at the moment the work is fexied in a tangible form, will prevent others from publishing the text and illustrations describing the author's ideas for machinery, processes, and merchandising methods. But it will not give the author any rights to prevent others from adopting the ideas for commercial purposes or from developing or using the machinery, processes, or methods described in the book."
When people say you can not use their pattern to sell your own creations, they are wrong, according to the government. If they don't want you to make and sell anything from their pattern, they should keep it for themselves. That's what the big designers do.
Hope this helps clear the water...Check out the government site for yourself at the link above or go to
"Copyright protection extends to a description, explanation, or illustration of an idea or system, assuming that the requirements of the copyright law are met. Copyright in such a case protects the particular literary or pictoral expression chosen by the author. However, it gives the copyright owner no exclusive rights in the idea, method, or system involved.
Suppose, for example, that an author writes a book explaining a new system for food processing. The copyright in the book, which comes into effect at the moment the work is fexied in a tangible form, will prevent others from publishing the text and illustrations describing the author's ideas for machinery, processes, and merchandising methods. But it will not give the author any rights to prevent others from adopting the ideas for commercial purposes or from developing or using the machinery, processes, or methods described in the book."
When people say you can not use their pattern to sell your own creations, they are wrong, according to the government. If they don't want you to make and sell anything from their pattern, they should keep it for themselves. That's what the big designers do.
Hope this helps clear the water...Check out the government site for yourself at the link above or go to
Copywright law,
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Tied down...
My computer died. I had been using my husband's computer. He now asks is it really his and can he use it again. But it died too. I hadn't realized how tied to that bit of machinery I had become. I spent hours tapping the keys. It had become my resource for everyday things. I used the computer to pull recipes for cookies and for little pieces of trivia. My husband loves trivia. My daily quiet time, after my husband leaves for work and before the kids get up for school I could be found on the computer, trying to sell my wares and chit chatting shop talk. My friend offered to let me use her's to check emails. But really, the computer has become more to me than a way to keep in touch. It has become a way of extention of life. There really is a little bit of me in that screen. I felt my heart swell up with pain when I realized the pictures of my kids could be lost forever, and again with relief when the repair man told me he was able to save my files. My recordkeeper and historian, a virtual library full of music and works. I am supposed to be reunited with the computer this afternoon. But I may need to reevaluate our relationship.
Friday, February 6, 2009
My Heart's Desire
We should all have a passion.
Some "thing" that drives us,
divinely inspired and fulfilling.
Before, during and after our own lives are touched.
Given to purpose.
Knowing that we do what we do because
...and that we do what we do in spite of
...and that we do.
Breathed upon by God Himself,
a breath of life.
Given, freely, and in abundance.
We should be filled up in the doing.
Because we can.
And because we can - not.
My poem is inspired by this lovely lady and her etsy shop. Go check her out and support her cause.
Some "thing" that drives us,
divinely inspired and fulfilling.
Before, during and after our own lives are touched.
Given to purpose.
Knowing that we do what we do because
...and that we do what we do in spite of
...and that we do.
Breathed upon by God Himself,
a breath of life.
Given, freely, and in abundance.
We should be filled up in the doing.
Because we can.
And because we can - not.
My poem is inspired by this lovely lady and her etsy shop. Go check her out and support her cause.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Well, almost... Starting March 1 until sold out I will be GIVING AWAY washcloths on my Etsy shop at My goal, at this point, is to give away 100 cloths! One to a customer, they will be listed for 20 cents which is my listing fee with Etsy. So what better deal? For 20 cents you get a crochet, 100% cotton washcloth made by your's truly. Want more? There will also be some for sale in sets of 3 for $12! And I take custom orders if you have a particular color scheme in mind.
Tell your friends and follow my blog!
(Terms subject to modification...however, there will definately be a giveaway begining March 1, 2009
dish cloths,
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Still fighting the cold...
Ugh! Headaches and achiness all over. I can hardly stand it and the babies are sick too. Alas--I'm still working. I finished a hooded scarf I had an order for...

I suppose I can sit down and write out the pattern. It's pretty nice and fairly easy once you get the gist of joining the squares if you haven't done that before. The ribbing makes it a bit tedious.
Now I'm working on a star-stitch hat for the challenge I mentioned before. It has to be in tonight by midnight. I have to go lay down for a while. Maybe I'll take a little Nyquil-I just laid the babies down for a nap, I may have a couple hours.

I suppose I can sit down and write out the pattern. It's pretty nice and fairly easy once you get the gist of joining the squares if you haven't done that before. The ribbing makes it a bit tedious.
Now I'm working on a star-stitch hat for the challenge I mentioned before. It has to be in tonight by midnight. I have to go lay down for a while. Maybe I'll take a little Nyquil-I just laid the babies down for a nap, I may have a couple hours.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Two projects sold, finished, and shipped off today! One to go -- but almost finished. I'm having a hard time getting my "work" done because I find that I am spending a lot of time looking for new work and watching American Idol. And I caught a cold. Ugh! I want Nyquil but I'm afraid to sleep that hard even though that's probably why I'm sick in the first place...sleep deprivation. So now God puts me flat. Maybe. Not. Me? Lay still? Only for surgery. Oh yes, and another one or two of those coming up. Hmmm...better get a crochet bag together.
Made a hat for an urgent custom order. But she bought one from somebody wanna hat? It's for sale and ready to ship! See the hat

Monday, January 26, 2009
One week
One week has past since my last blog entry.
Seven days.
How much time is there actually, in one week.
Enough time to do laundry, and cook dinners, comb hair and crochet, plan parties and pack lunches.
Barely...enough time to take a quick nap, read the paper, paint my toes, or pluck my eyebrows.
One week.
Seven days.
Seven days.
How much time is there actually, in one week.
Enough time to do laundry, and cook dinners, comb hair and crochet, plan parties and pack lunches.
Barely...enough time to take a quick nap, read the paper, paint my toes, or pluck my eyebrows.
One week.
Seven days.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Inauguration day
Happy Inauguration Day! I woke up this morning and thought, I wonder what it feels like to wake up knowing that today is the day you become President of the United States. Did Barak Obama get up early this morning? Could he even sleep last night? Did he and Michelle giggle the night away in anticipation? Was he nervous? Did he think about the impact for our country and the awesome responsibility? I wonder if he ate breakfast this morning. Could he, or were the butterflies too much? I wonder if he woke up and prayed today, a thankful, praise-filled prayer.

Enveloped in the quiet of the new day
Surrounded by the sound of silence
He stood posed
Reflected in the bath glass
He saw into himself
And it took his breath away
His heart pounded wildly in his chest
Blinking away the tears
Joy and peace
Sorrow or worry
He didn't know
The weight of his country rest on his shoulders
And he sighed as a familiar voice whispered
In his ear
I Am
A gentle nod
The weight of his family
I Am
A gentle nod
And he straightened his tie
As he took one last look
Grining a toothy grin
He rested his hand on the knob

Enveloped in the quiet of the new day
Surrounded by the sound of silence
He stood posed
Reflected in the bath glass
He saw into himself
And it took his breath away
His heart pounded wildly in his chest
Blinking away the tears
Joy and peace
Sorrow or worry
He didn't know
The weight of his country rest on his shoulders
And he sighed as a familiar voice whispered
In his ear
I Am
A gentle nod
The weight of his family
I Am
A gentle nod
And he straightened his tie
As he took one last look
Grining a toothy grin
He rested his hand on the knob
Sunday, January 18, 2009
this week...
This week I have been busy with new crafts...I tried my hand at Japanese Stab Binding and made three books. Now I have a stash of empty food boxes to use for covers. What am I doing? No one has said anything about the boxes sitting on the kitchen counter. I guess I should cut out the front and backs or at least fold them flat and store them in my office area. I'd feel a bit more sane that way! I also took a break from my "crochet-for-hire" project and made myself a hook case. I don't know why...guess with me all things go back to busy hands.
Here's one of the books and the case!

Here's the link for the case.
And for the book binding technique. This has a part one that tells about making the pages and cover.
Here's one of the books and the case!
Here's the link for the case.
And for the book binding technique. This has a part one that tells about making the pages and cover.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
my hands
Idle hands are the Devil's workshop. That's what I will use as my, reason...for being so busy, so occupied with things. Writing and creating, caring and comforting. In Jesus' name. In Jesus' name I pray that my hands will continue to do the work that my mind creates through my spirit, His spirit, as it dwells in me. And I thumb through patterns I have saved and dogeared for later. For the time between. Any little stolen moment between. Inappropriate. But I must create, I must use my hands, or I might explode!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
On one of my groups we are having a creative challenge in the month of February. I've decided to enter the challenge and have begun to brainstorm about what my entry might be. The topic "Hookers Romance" -- Hookers as in crochet hooks! So I think to myself, how can I incorporate what is going on in my life to this challenge? How do I see romance? And how can I translate that into yarn? I browsed my old books and magazines last night. Looking for ideas. hmmm....
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Praise the Lord!
This scripture was shared in our bible study today. It really touched my heart and my spirit. It evoked the feelings that I had this morning... Praise the Lord!
Psalm 103 (New Living Translation)
A psalm of David.
1 Let all that I am praise the Lord;
with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name.
2 Let all that I am praise the Lord;
may I never forget the good things he does for me.
3 He forgives all my sins
and heals all my diseases.
4 He redeems me from death
and crowns me with love and tender mercies.
5 He fills my life with good things.
My youth is renewed like the eagle’s!
6 The Lord gives righteousness
and justice to all who are treated unfairly.
7 He revealed his character to Moses
and his deeds to the people of Israel.
8 The Lord is compassionate and merciful,
slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love.
9 He will not constantly accuse us,
nor remain angry forever.
10 He does not punish us for all our sins;
he does not deal harshly with us, as we deserve.
11 For his unfailing love toward those who fear him
is as great as the height of the heavens above the earth.
12 He has removed our sins as far from us
as the east is from the west.
13 The Lord is like a father to his children,
tender and compassionate to those who fear him.
14 For he knows how weak we are;
he remembers we are only dust.
15 Our days on earth are like grass;
like wildflowers, we bloom and die.
16 The wind blows, and we are gone—
as though we had never been here.
17 But the love of the Lord remains forever
with those who fear him.
His salvation extends to the children’s children
18 of those who are faithful to his covenant,
of those who obey his commandments!
19 The Lord has made the heavens his throne;
from there he rules over everything.
20 Praise the Lord, you angels,
you mighty ones who carry out his plans,
listening for each of his commands.
21 Yes, praise the Lord, you armies of angels
who serve him and do his will!
22 Praise the Lord, everything he has created,
everything in all his kingdom.
Let all that I am praise the Lord.
Psalm 103 (New Living Translation)
A psalm of David.
1 Let all that I am praise the Lord;
with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name.
2 Let all that I am praise the Lord;
may I never forget the good things he does for me.
3 He forgives all my sins
and heals all my diseases.
4 He redeems me from death
and crowns me with love and tender mercies.
5 He fills my life with good things.
My youth is renewed like the eagle’s!
6 The Lord gives righteousness
and justice to all who are treated unfairly.
7 He revealed his character to Moses
and his deeds to the people of Israel.
8 The Lord is compassionate and merciful,
slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love.
9 He will not constantly accuse us,
nor remain angry forever.
10 He does not punish us for all our sins;
he does not deal harshly with us, as we deserve.
11 For his unfailing love toward those who fear him
is as great as the height of the heavens above the earth.
12 He has removed our sins as far from us
as the east is from the west.
13 The Lord is like a father to his children,
tender and compassionate to those who fear him.
14 For he knows how weak we are;
he remembers we are only dust.
15 Our days on earth are like grass;
like wildflowers, we bloom and die.
16 The wind blows, and we are gone—
as though we had never been here.
17 But the love of the Lord remains forever
with those who fear him.
His salvation extends to the children’s children
18 of those who are faithful to his covenant,
of those who obey his commandments!
19 The Lord has made the heavens his throne;
from there he rules over everything.
20 Praise the Lord, you angels,
you mighty ones who carry out his plans,
listening for each of his commands.
21 Yes, praise the Lord, you armies of angels
who serve him and do his will!
22 Praise the Lord, everything he has created,
everything in all his kingdom.
Let all that I am praise the Lord.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
An awesome ministry in Riverside County...
Friday, January 9, 2009
My time
4am. I get up to see my husband off to work. I pack a lunch, fix him breakfast, start the car, and prepare a mug of coffee. I tell him to drive safely and that I love him. I used to tell him to have a good day, but his response "I'll try" rubbed me the wrong way. So I stopped saying that. Drive safe is better, if he tells me he'll try that's okay. I don't think he knows that I pray for his day, that it will be a good one. And in the evening when I ask how his day went I really want to know.
By 4:45 he is out the door. The house is quiet. I get on the computer, check my etsy shop and post on my blog, I catch up on emails and my groups. I post. I look up crochet patterns and print a few for my notebook. I might listen to the stereo or the news, I might sip on some coffee. Each day is different, but it all has to be done by 6, 6:30 at the latest so I can get the kids up and ready for school.
This time, is my time. I treasure it. I despise the child who wakes early and wants to sit with mommy. My time shouldn't have to be spent in the bathroom, on the toilet or in the tub--privacy, but not quiet as children of all ages who have no respect of closed doors knock incessently, loudly, and brazenly until at last I scream "WHAT!". My time is sacred, quiet, me time, doing what I want to do. It is a time for meditation, contemplation, RELAXATION. It's my time alone with the Father. He speaks to me. Sometimes I listen and other times I simply talk back. But He knows that I need my time.
It's 5:50 and I consider a shower. If I go now I can bathe leisurely, I can grease myself down, put on earrings and lipstick, I can slap some quick drying nail polish on my desperately neglected toes. If I wait I can find one more pattern or check one more blog, but my shower will be reminiscent of my college days; jump in, soap up, rinse, jump out, throw on some jeans and go!
6am. Still on the computer but a pot of water is set to boil so the kids can have hot cereal today. The goes my time.
By 4:45 he is out the door. The house is quiet. I get on the computer, check my etsy shop and post on my blog, I catch up on emails and my groups. I post. I look up crochet patterns and print a few for my notebook. I might listen to the stereo or the news, I might sip on some coffee. Each day is different, but it all has to be done by 6, 6:30 at the latest so I can get the kids up and ready for school.
This time, is my time. I treasure it. I despise the child who wakes early and wants to sit with mommy. My time shouldn't have to be spent in the bathroom, on the toilet or in the tub--privacy, but not quiet as children of all ages who have no respect of closed doors knock incessently, loudly, and brazenly until at last I scream "WHAT!". My time is sacred, quiet, me time, doing what I want to do. It is a time for meditation, contemplation, RELAXATION. It's my time alone with the Father. He speaks to me. Sometimes I listen and other times I simply talk back. But He knows that I need my time.
It's 5:50 and I consider a shower. If I go now I can bathe leisurely, I can grease myself down, put on earrings and lipstick, I can slap some quick drying nail polish on my desperately neglected toes. If I wait I can find one more pattern or check one more blog, but my shower will be reminiscent of my college days; jump in, soap up, rinse, jump out, throw on some jeans and go!
6am. Still on the computer but a pot of water is set to boil so the kids can have hot cereal today. The goes my time.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Happy Birthday to me...
Today will not be a day of worry or strife.
It won't be a day of washing dishes or doing laundry.
It will not be a day of pots and pans.
Today I will settle into my skin.
I will drink cool drinks and put my feet up.
I will watch what I want to watch and do what I want to do.
I will listen to jazz on the radio while I tap on computer keys.
Today the wind will blow my hair out of my eyes and a sweet fragrance into my nose.
The sun will shine bright and warm today,
and God will settle in all around me.
By Ging 2009
It won't be a day of washing dishes or doing laundry.
It will not be a day of pots and pans.
Today I will settle into my skin.
I will drink cool drinks and put my feet up.
I will watch what I want to watch and do what I want to do.
I will listen to jazz on the radio while I tap on computer keys.
Today the wind will blow my hair out of my eyes and a sweet fragrance into my nose.
The sun will shine bright and warm today,
and God will settle in all around me.
By Ging 2009
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Busy week...
This week has been crazy. I'm so busy with stuff that it doesn't seem that I have room to breathe. It is maddening when it gets like that. Time seems to move in some warp speed and I see life flying past as I move in s-l-o-w-m-o-t-i-o-n. Just last week everything I had to do fit snuggly into my day. This week every day is overflowing with unfinished projects and chores, lists and responsibilities. Just when I think I have a moment to catch up I realize some little detail has been forgotten, some bill that needed to be paid, a birthday card that needed to be mailed, a phone call that needed to be returned. I am going to catch up on all my stuff, and maybe a little sleep this week...well, at least, I'll try.
Monday, January 5, 2009
I started teaching Sunday School to the school age kids at church. The first week was a real plan in mind. The second week we talked about prayer. I encouraged them to keep prayer journals. I supplied the notebooks and pencils, a calendar and notes about prayer.
I too started a prayer journal. I've got lots to talk over with God. I've many faults and problems, and issues. So I pull out my journal, I read the inspiring notes (because my journal is a published book, a journal for women with a guide)and bow my head. I'm sitting at the kitchen table because if I'm anywhere near the computer I have this uncontrollable urge to work on promoting my Etsy shop... So I pray and jot down some notes about my prayer, and make my way to the computer (I landed another alchemy! woohoo)
Come Sunday morning I realize maybe I'm worse than the kids. I wrote in my journal one day. The rest of my journal is full of blank pages. One week---spent. What happened to all my encouraging words? That uplifting speech about how doing this would change their lives. What about my life? Geez...
With head lifted high, I went into the church yesterday and confessed to my class that I had not fulfilled the homework. A sigh of relief and smiles brightened their faces. They must have thought I was going to ask to see their journals. I told them that we would try harder this week. I taught about faith this Sunday, but maybe I should have talked about passion, or focus, or maybe I should have talked about diligence.
I gotta get off the computer and pray...
I too started a prayer journal. I've got lots to talk over with God. I've many faults and problems, and issues. So I pull out my journal, I read the inspiring notes (because my journal is a published book, a journal for women with a guide)and bow my head. I'm sitting at the kitchen table because if I'm anywhere near the computer I have this uncontrollable urge to work on promoting my Etsy shop... So I pray and jot down some notes about my prayer, and make my way to the computer (I landed another alchemy! woohoo)
Come Sunday morning I realize maybe I'm worse than the kids. I wrote in my journal one day. The rest of my journal is full of blank pages. One week---spent. What happened to all my encouraging words? That uplifting speech about how doing this would change their lives. What about my life? Geez...
With head lifted high, I went into the church yesterday and confessed to my class that I had not fulfilled the homework. A sigh of relief and smiles brightened their faces. They must have thought I was going to ask to see their journals. I told them that we would try harder this week. I taught about faith this Sunday, but maybe I should have talked about passion, or focus, or maybe I should have talked about diligence.
I gotta get off the computer and pray...
Saturday, January 3, 2009
December challenge
I'm in a group, California Crafters Club of Etsy (CCCOE), and we had a creative challenge "New Beginings", you can see all the entries here:
and please vote for entry is #10

This item is also for sale and discounted through January 8, birthday, coincidentally!!
and please vote for entry is #10

This item is also for sale and discounted through January 8, birthday, coincidentally!!
Friday, January 2, 2009
Thursday, January 1, 2009
A little song in the morning
This morning I sang a little song to my little ones as I have sung to each of them when they were little. And to my surprise my 1 year old son, sang, not a word, but that la-la-ba-da babble that babies do back to me. He rocked back and forth and looked into my face, singing and happy. I sang it to set the tone for his day, and he brightened mine!
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